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Showing posts from May, 2021

The Fairy Dress

  T he Fairy Dress O NCE UPON A TIME… Well ––actually twenty years ago to be precise, there was a fair Maiden who longed to be a designer of dresses. However the Maiden lived in a land which shunned the wearing of clothes ––that’s right, they were all nudists. Now ––our fair Maiden here was of the opinion that being dressed was the better option, much better, that is, than going about ones business with ––well, with ones business flapping about like some kind of ghastly flag signalling nothing more to the receiver other than: “That’s right I have put on weight ––and yes, most of it is in an inappropriate place.” An opinion, I might add, which was received with derision by the entire populace of the land: “How dare she demand of us that which God Himself has never demanded of any of His creatures which walk His green Earth.” An argument our Maiden thought to preposterous, as she retorted: “Yes ––but where any of them are cold, He hath provided fur ––where any wet, He hath provided s...

Going Punk

 Some days a girl has just gotta go Punk...