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Greta and the Footpath through the Woods

Once upon a time…

Greta, the Fashion Queen, needed to get some new boots for the Ball, so she had to go to Boot-Woods and find the best boot cobbler in all the land.

However, in Boot-Woods lived an evil hobgoblin called “Louboutin” ––he was a wicked Shoe-Fairy who would torture women’s feet with expensive, but wholly impractical, footwear.

Greta had to avoid Louboutin and find her boot cobbler by nightfall ––but the path through the woods was dark and so Greta lost her way.

“Whom is it you seek?” said a voice in the woods.

Greta looked about, but could see no-one ––who is it that spoke to me? She thought.

“Well?” said the voice, “are you the sort of Fashion Queen who ignores the path she treads upon?”

“The path?” replied Greta.

“Yes.” agreed the Path, “ask me the way and I shall tell ––as all feet pass upon my back, therefore I know to where every footfall leads.”

“Well,” replied Greta, “I require some assistance in getting to my boot cobbler ––he’s the finest boot cobbler in all the land, don’t you know ––please Mr. Footpath, might you be so good as to guide my boots to him?” asked Greta politely ––she was a Fashion Queen after all, and it is quite unheard of for a Fashion Queen to be anything other than the paragon of politeness around strangers ––don’t you know.

Though darkness stole the way from her eyes, it was the ground beneath her feet which guided Greta to and from her desired goal of finding the finest boot cobbler in all the land ––and so, as the moral goes: weather Fashion Queen or tawdry dandy always be careful about whom it is you walk upon ––for one day they might have to lead you to your preferred boot cobbler in the woods.

- The End -    

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